Experience data. Make culture count.
What's Me-Mind

The Project

Me-Mind is a Creative Europe project designed to enhance the value of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in terms of audience development, sustainable business strategies and analysis of benefits and impacts produced in the territory.

Me-Mind is an important showcase for data and intangibles values produced by cultural activities, so measuring the socio-economic impact of a CCI. Me-Mind will focus on the whole data lifecycle (data collection -> data analysis -> data visualization) to capture the full potential of an action and to use data in an emotional and communicative way.

By piloting in two use cases representing the cultural sector (the Estonian National Museum as permanent exhibition and the Internet Festival of Pisa as event), Me-Mind wants to create a replicable methodology so as to transfer the knowledge acquired. This will provide CCIs with a business model canvas based on data-driven decisions and with artistic data visualization hints  to be used towards stakeholders and policy makers.


Making culture count is the highest mission of Me-Mind.
What precisely does it mean? The meaning is twofold.
Firstly, it means bringing culture closer to people, letting people experience, through the artistic data visualisation, that the culture carries a broad spectrum of values: aesthetic value, but also social, educational, historical, economic and spiritual value. And again, it means making people feel that they are a relevant part of the cultural activities’ success.
Secondly, it means taking hard science out of its world, applying technological innovations to cultural production and cultural fruition. Institutions and stakeholders need evidence in order to gauge future decisions and commitment in this field; the role of science in producing and processing data on the impact of creative and cultural industries is therefore crucial for showing the worth of culture in people’s lives and for the society at all.


Fostering innovative cross-sectoral approaches and tools to facilitate access, distribution, promotion and/or monetisation of culture and creativity, including cultural heritage
Providing cultural and creative organisations with a methodology aimed to make better business decisions on the basis of the measurement and analysis of their activities’ impact
Facilitating cultural and creative organisations to have more efficient impact measurement and to make benefits more evident towards public administrations (as they define cultural policies), potential public and private sponsors (as they manage economic investments) as well as the general audience (as it is relevant part of the cultural act

Work Packages


This WP will coordinate the activities of the project, both at the administrative and scientific level, by ensuring the timely delivery of the results. It manages administrative activities (T1.1 Administrative and financial management) and it maintains accurate records to monitor progresses, to manage risks and to promote quality (T1.2 Project management, internal communication and quality assurance) in all aspects of the project. Moreover, management also includes innovation and sustainability of the project results.

Needs and requirements analysis of creative and cultural organizations and policy roadmapping

This WP consists of an analysis and mapping of the needs and expectations of creative and cultural organisations, firstly defining a common canvas (T2.1), then going into details of the events’ (T2.2) and museums’ (T2.3) sectors, in order to create a reasonable framework for impact evaluation. Working closely with WP3 and WP4, it will provide guidelines, policies, business canvas model and a business model that will be widely disseminated towards relevant and interested stakeholders of the cultural and creative sectors.

– Guidelines report in December 2021 – Business canvas model in June 2022
Data Collection methodology design and definition

The aims of WP3 are the definition of a methodology (T3.1) and the design of an effective strategy (T3.2) to be used in order to collect and analyze relevant data for assessment activities into the two identified use cases and respective vertical sector: Internet Festival events and Estonian National Museum activities. The output will be a document containing (i) a list of relevant data defined by context analysis in WP2 and (ii) the methodologies to be used in order to collect and analyze them (T3.3.). This output will be the starting point for WP4.

Data Collection and analysis

This WP aims at collecting direct and indirect data, both qualitative and quantitative, to measure the social and economic impact of the two use cases (T4.1). According to the strategies defined in WP3, several diversified analyses will then be carried out on the heterogeneous data collected (T4.2). The outputs will be organised in two reports containing results of the analyses of Internet Festival and Estonian National Museum (T4.3), which represent crucial inputs to create effective audio visual experiences in WP5 and to define specific culture business canvas model and business-oriented guidelines and policies in WP2.

Artistic data visualisation

This WP consists of all activities (topic analysis – T5.1, conceptualisation – T5.2, formalisation and development – T5.3 and set-up/installation – T5.4) necessary in transforming the outputs collected in the previous work packages into artistic and digital installation that will take place in the location of the use cases partners (in Pisa and Tartu), by keeping a common approach and creative proposal for the two locations.

– Digital installations in October 2021 and May 2022 – Report of the activity (summarising the concept and narrative behind the outcomes) in June 2022
Dissemination and communication

This WP coordinates the dissemination and communication activities on local, regional, national and European scale by defining objectives, designing strategies, identifying targets (T6.1) and developing the most appropriate channels, content and scheduling (T6.2). Activities also include monitoring of the communication campaigns (T6.3) and scientific dissemination (T6.4).

– Logotype – Website – Social media channels – Newsletter